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Showing content with the highest reputation since 01/17/2025 in all areas

  1. CC Karaoke February 25 Update [Hidden Content]
    63 points
  2. New DCK's x 5 DCK972-DCK976 by Code and artist
    55 points
  3. Here goes the link It includes 2RK0010-04 -- 2RK0010-06 BBHMG032 -- BBHMG033 BKD-19076 -- BKD-90020 DCK967 -- DCK980 SF-1119677 -- SF-1119689 ZOOM-00202 -- ZOOM-11607 [Hidden Content]
    52 points
  4. [Hidden Content] here are 19 new song there might be a few requested song that i already put on but for all of that didn't get them these are all billboard hit that was not on karoke so enjoy
    45 points
  5. 43 points
  6. Fresh Rip @320 ET05-10 - R Kelly - Gotham City
    43 points
  7. New DCK's DCK981-DCK985 by Code and artist Should i start with the large folder ie; AA - Aaron Ardvark Homemade by Artist First over 31GB ASAP - A Smart Azz Production over 21GB FBK - FunBox Homemade 01-262 over 17GB etc etc. is everyone finished with the Music Maestro Collection? they've been up less than a week. Let me know if you still need time please otherwise i will delete to make space.
    42 points
  8. FBK261 [Hidden Content]
    41 points
  9. Latest from Wayne's World Karaoke: [Hidden Content]
    40 points
  10. I know the feeling ... have it for free then Karaoke Builder Studio (FULL) [Hidden Content] install kbstudio.exe then kbsreg.exe
    40 points
  11. Funbox sent me these FBK Audio Upgrades
    40 points
    38 points
  13. [Hidden Content] here are some new song i made for jan some you might have some of these as i made some of these for people who requested some enjoy
    37 points
  14. [Hidden Content] HERE IS 14 NEW SONG I MADE FOR JAN ENJOY
    37 points
  15. Starting to upload Music Maestro's Now. If anyone has not finnished with the CBEP - Chartbuster Essential Plus 451-507(Zipped Let Me Know Please as i will have to delete them at some point to make room for the Music Maestro's First 5GB [Hidden Content] MM TOP - Music Maestro MMBH1 - Music Maestro Broadway To Hollywood MMBK - Music Maestro Big Karaoke Club MMCH - Music Maestro Classic Hits MMCHPK - Music Maestro Country Hits Pack 1 (9cd) MMGME - Music Maestro Gold Masters Edition
    35 points
  16. HazzFN-10 Come To Me - Brad Fiedel [Hidden Content] That's it ... Full Soundtrack Complete ... one of my favourite movies ever.
    33 points
  17. Music Maestro Part 4 [Hidden Content] MMRB-1&2 - Music Maestro R&B Pack 10 discs MMRP01 - Music Maestro Rock (5 discs) MMS - Music Maestro Sinatra (5 discs) MMVE - Music Maestro Velvet Elvis 32 Discs
    32 points
  18. Sorry iTAKE just got these if you save by Artist First there here too DCK977-DCK980 by Code and artist
    32 points
  19. EZPs ONLY - [Hidden Content]
    32 points
  20. HazzFN-07 Give It Up - Evelyn Champagne King [Hidden Content]
    32 points
  21. HazzFN-06 Armies Of The Night - Sparks [Hidden Content]
    32 points
  22. ASAP - A Smart Azz Production (numbers to J) 10+ GB [Hidden Content]
    31 points
  23. [Hidden Content] I pay $5 a month for the premium. Gives you more choices and more minutes worth of music to convert, but the free works well. These are some songs I have made. I did not release them before because I was not completely happy with them. I have improved the timing and phrasing, as well as improving the vocal removal, and feel they may be good enough now. (Not really completely happy with some, especially #11 & #19, but it is the best I can get for now.) As I fix and make others, I will share them. MEE Homemade Karaoke ( MEE xxx ) : [Hidden Content] I will accept any constructive criticism. Just want to make the best videos I can. Enjoy!!!!
    31 points
  24. Karaoke cd+g creator pro + serial [Hidden Content] To enter serial goto help>unlock Remember to block application in your firewall or disconnect from interwebz when entering serial The more people creating HM Karaoke the better. Please share your creations with the community
    31 points
  25. Hazz 08-10 I'll Wake You Up When I Get Home - Charlie Rich [Hidden Content]
    31 points
  26. Music Maestro MM6200 Complete [Hidden Content]
    30 points
  27. Music Maestro Part 3 MM6000 complete (Zipped) MMHH - Music Maestro Hot Young Hits 10 discs MMHMC - Music Maestro HomeParty M Country 10 discs MMHMP - Music Maestro HomeParty M Pop 10 discs MMHP506 - Today's Female R&B (Clean 320) MMOLD-1&2 - Music Maestro Oldies Pack 10 discs MMPK02 - Music Maestro Club Pack 2002 (13 cd) MMPK04 - Music Maestro Club Pack 2004 (14 cd) Here [Hidden Content]
    30 points
  28. These are the rest of Hank's SFX HM that he has issued this year, including vocal tracks (VOX) ; names are in the correct 1st name 2nd name order, and where there are backing vocals (BGV) they are indicated. Hanks SFX HM Karaoke, 2025 to date.
    30 points
  29. Hi Lee. Here are some you are missing. MM6123 MM6124 MM6126 MM6146 MM6147 MM6177 MM6190 MM6205 MM6261 MM6263 MM6264 MM6265 MM6266 MM6268 MM6270 MM6275 MM6276 MM6284 MM6285 MM6286 MM6287 MM6289 MM6291 MM6292 MM6293 MM6296 MM6299 MM6322 MM6337 MM6338 MM6356 MM6357 MM6371 MM6377 Below is what I am missing if anyone can help me out please? Starting at MM600 (I have this disc) 6064 / 6108 / 6138 / 6139 / 6166 / 6179 / 6201 / 6202 / 6203 / 6204 / 6206 / 6207 / 6208 / 6209 / 6210 / 6211 / 6212 / 6213 / 6214 / 6216 / 6217 / 6219 / 6220 / 6221 / 6222 / 6223 / 6224 / 6225 / 6226 / 6227 / 6228 / 6230 / 6231 / 6232 / 6233 / 6234 / 6235 / 6236 / 6237 / 6238 / 6239 / 6240 / 6241 / 6243 / 6244 / 6245 / 6246 / 6247 / 6248 / 6249 / 6250 / 6267 / 6269 / 6271 / 6274 / 6288 / 6290 / 6297 / 6319 / 6374 Ends at 6432 (I have this disc)
    30 points
  30. Music Maestro MM6300 Complete [Hidden Content] Music Maestro MM6400 34 Folders [Hidden Content]
    29 points
  31. Here's a few recent HSK releases [Hidden Content]
    29 points
  32. Music Maestro Part 2 [Hidden Content] MMCOU - Music Maestro Country Packs 1-4 MMCPK2 - Music Maestro Club Pack 2000 (11 cd) MMDWCP 1-5 - Music Maestro Doo Woop Memories MMGIRSC - Music Maestro Girls Sing Country (1-10) MMGIRSP - Music Maestro Girls Sing Pop (1-10) MMGUYSC - Music Maestro Guys Sing Country (1-10) MMGUYSP - Music Maestro Guys Sing Pop (1-10) MMHC - Music Maestro Hot Country Hits 10 discs MMHFC - Music Maestro HomeParty F Country 10 discs MMHFP - Music Maestro HomeParty F Pop 10 discs
    29 points
  33. Hazz 08-16 7th Heaven - Vanity (The Last Dragon OST) [Hidden Content] livro apis Hazz 08-17 Pray The Gay Away - Samuel Saint [Hidden Content]
    29 points
  34. Chartbuster Essential Series Disc Labels
    29 points
  35. DCK881-890 Labels Homemade
    29 points
  36. Here you go [Hidden Content]
    29 points
  37. Here are 2 from Buy Karaoke Downloads ( BKD xxxxx ) : [Hidden Content] Enjoy!!!!
    28 points
  38. KB01 to KB98 for ADNA [Hidden Content]
    28 points
  39. Hazz 08-08 Human - Human League (Male Solo) [Hidden Content]
    28 points
  40. HazzFN-04 Rock Myself To Sleep - April Wine [Hidden Content]
    28 points
  41. These are the latest Linkin Park tracks that I have including "Two Faced": [Hidden Content] And here is the Downstait track you wanted: [Hidden Content] Enjoy!!!!
    27 points
  42. [Hidden Content] here is one of the p cooper requested song sam fender spit of you enjoy [Hidden Content] here is another song request lisa carter doctors orders enjoy
    27 points
  43. could you please put a text discription of the link above the actual link so we all know what we are thanking the post for.. otherwise we could be clicking like and you may have posted some gary glitter songs & we inadvertently have supported a nonce. Hazz 09-02 Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet [Hidden Content]
    27 points
  44. Hazz 09-01 Stand By Me - Def Leppard [Hidden Content]
    27 points
  45. MMGME - Music Maestro Gold Masters Edition [Hidden Content]
    27 points
  46. Hazz 08-09 A Woman's Heart (Is A Handy Place To Be) - Crystal Gayle [Hidden Content] YT Saver 9.3.2 Multilingual + Crack [Hidden Content]
    27 points
  47. Lisa Lougheed - Run With Us from KSK [Hidden Content]
    27 points
  48. HSK (Hot Stuff Karaoke Disk Labels)
    26 points
  49. HazzFN-09 Boppin' Tonight - Fabulous Fontaines [Hidden Content]
    26 points
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