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ADNA last won the day on December 30 2024

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  1. Thank you for the clarification @BJtheDJ. In that case, for the sake of clarity - perhaps the rule should be revised to omit the word "names" and read: "Avoid overusing special symbols or caps lock in threads." Instead of "Avoid overusing special symbols or caps lock in thread names." My initial interpretation was that this was only applicable to thread titles. The change might reduce any potential ambiguity that could arise from the current wording, especially with the term "names" being included. Just a suggestion. If I have misunderstood any of the nomenclature, please let me know! - ADNA
  2. Hi @bradajoker, The below are some older karaoke AVI's that are Greek. Please note they were last revised in 2011/2012 - so there won't be newer tracks, unfortunately. [Hidden Content] - ADNA
  3. @_.:=iTake=:._, this is a bit embarrassing, but I must admit that I have not gotten a chance to read over the rules myself. Upon doing so to try educate myself, I am a bit confused about where this rule is stated. Is it "Avoid overusing special symbols or caps lock in thread names.", or am I looking at the wrong place entirely? Thanks @mee7532! I, too, am someone who would want that full collection, LOL. I think many of us prefer to collect by manufacturer, as you clearly do. So when people like myself mention foreign karaoke, we tend to mean by category of manufacturer rather than strictly by track - so your sharing was spot on!
  4. I had a similar issue. For me I managed to download the files one by one as a result of opening the link in an Incognito tab. Strangely, using the link directly did not work - not sure if it had to do with being signed in to my MS account or if it was due to some browser cache or cookies that caused the error. For those who are not in the mood to open an incognito tab, I have put the files on Mega: [Hidden Content] - ADNA
  5. Hi all, I have just been going through my Karaokanta discs (Spanish company) as over the last few years, I have felt that I have neglected my non-English collection. I thought I would share what I have below (approx. 38 GB) [Hidden Content] If anyone has any that I do not have, please share - as I think the full Karaokanta collection should occupy closer to 50 GB. Also, if anyone has DCO discs or VFL (Viva Fiesta Latina), I would be interested in those. Many thanks to @sacot1 who has helped me lately with fills for my foreign collection. - ADNA
  6. I would also be interested in these, please.
  7. That's strange. I tested with KJ File Manager, Windows and 7Zip to no avail. Just checked KB53 with WinRAR and got "The archive is either in unknown format or damaged" errors. It appears to be the zips that are damaged - however, if you are able to open them, then perhaps I am doing something incorrectly.
  8. Mega are infamous for this indeed @sacot1. I have tried downloading them a few times. If it's not too much trouble, then here are the tracks I am having an issue with: KB02 - tracks 3, 9-12 KB08 - entire disc KB36 - tracks 6-12 KB37 - entire disc KB53 - tracks 3-10 Again, by uploading the 100 discs, you have assisted me greatly, and so I am super appreciative - if this is too much trouble to check, don't stress it. - ADNA
  9. It is pretty sad since they have been around for multiple decades and, in the mid-90s, were one of the first online karaoke manufacturers. I did some research on the matter, and it appears that (according to very non-verifiable sources - take this information with a pinch of salt): - SBI had not really been producing much new stuff since Nov/Dec 2024 - The rationale for this and the website being closed is due to the owner dying in November 2024. - The family apparently looked into all their options and eventually decided they would not continue running the business. - This seems to align with the fact that a few people have complained on social media as of Jan 2025 that they have not seen new releases for the last month or two. - Apparently, SBI are primarily closing their customer-facing operations, and some of its catalogues may still be available for purchase from certain resellers for a while. An example of a reseller that has SBI as a partner is: [Hidden Content] Again, I have obtained all the above information from a number of unverifiable sources, so do take it with a pinch of salt.
  10. Hi @sacot1, Thank you for filling in the missing discs. I really appreciate it. I just wanted to query whether some tracks on your discs 2, 8, 36, 37 and 53 were also bad or if it is just a Mega issue? I have re-downloaded them a few times, but to no avail. Regardless, thanks to you, I am in a much better place than where I started with my KB collection. - ADNA
  11. Hi all, Just thought I would point out the bad news regarding SBI closing their site. The text below is directly from their website: IMPORTANT NOTICE Unfortunately the SBI Karaoke website will be closing on the 6th of February 2025. We strongly recommend that you log into your account and make sure that you’ve downloaded all of the tracks that you’ve purchased as there will be no access to them after the website closes. Customers with outstanding credits on their account should ensure they use them before then. If you have a very large number of credits please get in touch. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience or disappointment caused. We’d like to thank all of our customers who have supported us over the last 40+ years. So, to reiterate now is a good time to make sure all your tracks are downloaded and that all your credits are spent. It would also be nice if there were a way to obtain a tracklisting with song IDs for future sorting reference since the site would be inaccessible for song ID searches. I assume that the song ID searches are probably just SQL stored procedures that access the information server side, so it may be impractical to try to capture this information. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? - ADNA
  12. Hi all, I have recently been going through my Karaoke Box (KBO and KBM) collection and have noticed a few missing discs. Firstly, for those who have less than I do, here is my KBO and KBM collection (about 20 GB), which can be found below: Karaoke Box (KB) Next, if anyone has any of the following discs, I would appreciate it: KBO001 to KBO077, KBO079 to KBO095, KBO098, KBO338, KBO340, KBO355, KB0356, Anything above or including KBO358. Note that the KBO series also appears to be known as KB. - ADNA
  13. Hi there, It has been a while since I have done much on this forum. Just thought I would mention that my YouTube Downloader of choice is Mediahuman YouTube Downloader. One of my favourite features is that you can automate downloading tracks from YouTube channels and track changes to channels as well (kind of like with traditional RSS feeds). You can also download from multiple sources, including sites like SoundCloud. It seems to get regular updates as well. I use the paid version, but I have seen cracks out there, so it shouldn't be too difficult to get your hands on. The link to their website is: [Hidden Content] All the best - ADNA
  14. Here is the Idol Makers karaoke: [Hidden Content] - ADNA
  15. Hi there, I think most of these manufacturers' discs are on the Mega Drive that @leenew Karaoke has kindly put together for the KJ community. You should just need to PM Lee to obtain the password. All the best - ADNA
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