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sacot1 last won the day on February 9

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  1. ASAP - A Smart Azz Production (numbers to J) 10+ GB [Hidden Content]
  2. New DCK's DCK981-DCK985 by Code and artist Should i start with the large folder ie; AA - Aaron Ardvark Homemade by Artist First over 31GB ASAP - A Smart Azz Production over 21GB FBK - FunBox Homemade 01-262 over 17GB etc etc. is everyone finished with the Music Maestro Collection? they've been up less than a week. Let me know if you still need time please otherwise i will delete to make space.
  3. My Homemade Folder (all cdg ) is over 400GB so a little more info as to the code/maker would be handy. They may not all be full sets but i'm happy to share what i have. (MP4 Homemade folder is over 700GB)
  4. So what Karaoke Collection is next for you??
  5. Music Maestro MM6300 Complete [Hidden Content] Music Maestro MM6400 34 Folders [Hidden Content]
  6. Music Maestro MM6200 Complete [Hidden Content]
  7. Music Maestro MM6100 101 Folders [Hidden Content]
  8. Music Maestro Part 4 [Hidden Content] MMRB-1&2 - Music Maestro R&B Pack 10 discs MMRP01 - Music Maestro Rock (5 discs) MMS - Music Maestro Sinatra (5 discs) MMVE - Music Maestro Velvet Elvis 32 Discs
  9. Music Maestro Part 3 MM6000 complete (Zipped) MMHH - Music Maestro Hot Young Hits 10 discs MMHMC - Music Maestro HomeParty M Country 10 discs MMHMP - Music Maestro HomeParty M Pop 10 discs MMHP506 - Today's Female R&B (Clean 320) MMOLD-1&2 - Music Maestro Oldies Pack 10 discs MMPK02 - Music Maestro Club Pack 2002 (13 cd) MMPK04 - Music Maestro Club Pack 2004 (14 cd) Here [Hidden Content]
  10. Your link takes me to my own mega account and not to your greek Karaoke. Go to your Mega account right click on your upload and choose Share Link the Link will appear, copy the link and post it in your message on the forum page.
  11. Music Maestro Part 2 [Hidden Content] MMCOU - Music Maestro Country Packs 1-4 MMCPK2 - Music Maestro Club Pack 2000 (11 cd) MMDWCP 1-5 - Music Maestro Doo Woop Memories MMGIRSC - Music Maestro Girls Sing Country (1-10) MMGIRSP - Music Maestro Girls Sing Pop (1-10) MMGUYSC - Music Maestro Guys Sing Country (1-10) MMGUYSP - Music Maestro Guys Sing Pop (1-10) MMHC - Music Maestro Hot Country Hits 10 discs MMHFC - Music Maestro HomeParty F Country 10 discs MMHFP - Music Maestro HomeParty F Pop 10 discs
  12. Starting to upload Music Maestro's Now. If anyone has not finnished with the CBEP - Chartbuster Essential Plus 451-507(Zipped Let Me Know Please as i will have to delete them at some point to make room for the Music Maestro's First 5GB [Hidden Content] MM TOP - Music Maestro MMBH1 - Music Maestro Broadway To Hollywood MMBK - Music Maestro Big Karaoke Club MMCH - Music Maestro Classic Hits MMCHPK - Music Maestro Country Hits Pack 1 (9cd) MMGME - Music Maestro Gold Masters Edition
  13. MMGME - Music Maestro Gold Masters Edition [Hidden Content]
  14. Sorry iTAKE just got these if you save by Artist First there here too DCK977-DCK980 by Code and artist
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