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  1. Could I have them too please?
  2. Cracked versions of Winrar can throw up issues. Try 7-zip. It's free.
  3. If you click on the 'like' button (heart shape in bottom right corner) then the post will refresh and the hidden content will be revealed.
  4. Hi leenew. Any chance I could get the latest mega password? The one I have no longer seems to work. Cheers
  5. Hello again. Yes, I once had the audacity to ask for a password in the forum. You didn't have to reveal it or even reply. Maybe you could have just said it wasn't for general release to all music and software thieves - just the select few But as seen many times, you couldn't resist attacking with a reply intended to insult and humiliate. Of course your large neon font yells it out to make sure it's seen. So, this time I give a thumbs down to your post and we get yet another passive-aggressive rant of a reply What was it that caused the thumbs down on that post and your subsequent rant? I guess the attention seeking, "Nobody except for me appears to have noticed, or if they did they couldn't care less" How dare we not care less about your posts. From what I've seen of you online over the years you are a prolific uploader - Thanks. But sweetheart, you regularly come across as a braggart and a bully. Please try and be kinder to people. Peace & love x
  6. True to form, you just jump in with the two-footed tackle and belittle and ridicule. I don't have all the facts and the access to things you have - as I stated in my post, 'I believe' etc' Neither am I going to play 'Tommy Topper' or have a pissing contest with you on who is older, can carry the most PA around, or has more worthy conditions that hold us back Calm down love, all I did was ask for a password!! Why not just scroll past and ignore my request instead of trying to ridicule and belittle people? (again) I'm pleased to see I wasn't mistaken in claiming that I did create and upload tracks that: 'I personally could not find from my sources at that particular time' What on earth would be the point otherwise? True to form you went straight in with the two-footed tackle like you have many times before. BJ, (what does that stand for BTW?) I'm not gonna play 'Tommy Topper' or have a pissing contest with you regardless of our age, ailments, shoesize or physical capability to drag whatever size PA and light systems around whilst linking videos to brag how good you are/were. I don't have to. I only asked for a password dear
  7. Ah, I see. Many of us find It difficult to contribute to a group that contains everything we already have. However, in my defence, I have in the past contributed some home made tracks to that group. I believe at the time they were previously unavailable elsewhere. They were also leeched without thanks I seem to recall - although I may well be mistaken. Please note I am not 'whining' There were only a handful - TrickTrax Karaoke. Maybe you have them? Poor health prevented me from continuing. Thanks for putting me in my place BJTheDJ (at the controls) You're rather good at it.
  8. Can anybody let me have the password/s that have started appearing on some nzb karaoke files? Thanks
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