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  1. Hi All Been away for a while and missed the forum and you guys. Has anyone got the karaoke version of Nice To Meet You by Myles Smith please. TIA.
  2. Hi All A Happy New Year to you all. I've just had a couple of requests if anyone can help out. San Tropez Pink Floyd Hunting Tigers out of India Bonzo Dog Band. TIA
  3. Hi All Some requests I've rec'd and haven't got if any of you can help out please. Barron Knights "Little White Bum", Calum Scott "Flaws" and "Freezing This Christmas" for a pensioner singer bless her.
  4. Hi All Can anyone of you great lot out there make me a KFN version of Beggin by The Four Seasons that can be played on another player besides Karafun or can you tell me how to do it please. I believe you can make a MP4 out of it but don't know how. TIA
  5. Hi all it's that time of year again has anyone got Christmas Song by Gilbert O'Sullivan please, also "Dumb" by Tich and "Almost There" by Anita Noni Rose from The Princess & The Frog. As always any help would be appreciated. TIA.
  6. can someone re upload this please i seem to have lost mine duh. TIA
  7. hi all trying to fulfil a request from one of my singers "All Alone Am I" by Jonny Tillotson but not the youtube version. As always any help will be appreciated. TIA
  8. Hi All get asked for the most ridiculous songs. I don't suppose anybody has " I've no more fucks to give " by Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq. As always any help appreciated. TIA.
  9. Hi All Couple of requests i haven't got if anyone can help "Rain, Rain Go Away" by Bobby Vinton and "Walk with Faith In Your Heart" by The Bachelors (I've got the Gospel version but by all accounts the Bachelors one is different) As usual any help will be much appreciated. TIA
  10. Hi all, on the scrounge again for a couple of requested songs "May I have the next dream with you" by Malcolm Roberts and "Sad Sweet Dreamer" by Sweet Sensations. As always any help will be much appreciated, TIA
  11. Thanks but he does want them in Latin sorry. He is one of my best singers and he can really belt out songs so i would like to get the Latin version for him if I can.
  12. Hi All. I've had my 1st Christmas request and is it a good one. It's called "Adeste Fideles" by Luciano Pavorotti or Bing Crosby and here's the but, it has to be in LATIN, I know that's what I thought as well but any help with this would make my singer very very happy so I hope someone out there in the karaoke world could possibly make this for me. Also I'm after "Hymn" by Barclay James Harvest and My World (Il Mondo) by Englebert Humperdink. Thanks for reading and as always any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA
  13. Wow that was quick thankyou very much but why anybody would want to sing this on karaoke eludes me. I must be getting old.
  14. Hi All. Looking for help with this one Saturn 5 by Inspiral Carpets. Any help much appreciated. TIA.
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