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  1. Reason of Integrate Chrome Browser with Yilu socks Proxy. For privacy or anonymous business, we always need to browser websites in different IPs (like use multiple fake chrome browser or virtual browser) under the help of local familiar browsers, including Google Chrome Browser, Firefox Browser, Microsoft Edge, Safari Browser, Opera Browser and others. In some use cases, such as SEO analysis, data scraping, or brand protection, we can use different socks proxy under the same chrome or Firefox browser to view and check the keywords, pictures, videos in Google or Facebook to get right information under some purpose. Chrome firefox Setting with Socks Proxy Generally speaking, some socks proxies or VPN will offer us a great number of IPs. Take YiluProxy for example, there are 90M residential socks5 proxies for our use cases' demand in different local browsers. Now editor will show you how to get a right setting in YiluProxy with Chrome Firefox or other browsers. The setting process in Yilu socks5 Proxy Client can be divided into 2 parts. Part one is browsers directly set in YiluProxy Client; Part two is global setting for using all browsers also available for other applications on the desktop. Part One Browsers used in YiluProxy Client. 1. We have to download the chrome browser: [Hidden Content] Firefox Browser: [Hidden Content] Or other browsers please search in google to get download link. 2. Drag the chrome or firefox browser from desktop into [program] of the YiluProxy client as below screenshot: drag the chrome or firefox browsers into program 3. A right setting in YiluProxy [settings] Part. yiluproxy setting A. We need to change the Bind address to or (Just select it under the button.) B. Proxy Engine Settings: Select [Yilu Porttable Proxy Engine] C. ProxyRules: Click [Only“Proxy” the applications in Yilu”program” tab, the others go through your local network], and [Block UDP non DNS request data]. Here [Only“Proxy” the applications in Yilu“program” tab, the others go through your local network] means only the browsers in the [Program] part of YiluProxy can use Yiluproxy IP, your software or application on your desktop or pc device just use your local Lan IP or other IP. Select [block UDP Non DNS request data] can avoid to leak real IP. D. Save the setting. 4. Set one IP including static ip or rotating residential ip in the yiluproxy client. Green Light means ip is connected and it is normal to use it now. green light means ip connected 5. Click Chrome or Firefox browser in the program to run it through YiluProxy, as follow: Run chrome or firefox browser Part Two Global Setting to run the browsers, just get a [settings] in YiluProxy. For getting global mode setting, please just change the [ProxyRules] to the first one[“proxy” the entire system with all applications network connections], which means Yiluproxy IP will use for all the application installed on your local computer, as below screenshot: Proxy the entire system All others setting is the same as above, including [Proxy Engine setting], the bind address, ip getting and connection , and run the browsers. Conclusion Chrome, Firefox browser setting in yilu socks5 proxy is normally easy, compared with the setting of WLAN, antidetect browsers or mobile device with Yiluproxy. just get the points as above words and screenshots.
  2. YiLu Proxy - best 911s5 proxy alternative YiLuProxy has a client version like 911s5 proxy YiLuProxy supports Socks5 protocol like 911 proxy YiLuProxy offers residential IPs like 911.re proxy YiLuProxy offers port forwarding like 911s5 proxy YiLu Proxy offers 90M+ dynamic residential and datacenter proxy IPs from 200+ countries, and supports Socks5 and HTTP protocols. And it also provides sharing and dedicated static datacenter IPs and dedicated static residential IPs. The quality rank of Yilu proxy five IP types Dedicated static residential IP Dynamic residential IP Dedicated static datacenter IP Dynamic datacenter IP Sharing static datacenter IP YiLuProxy VS 911S5 Proxy Advantages over 911.re Socks5 proxy YiLuProxy not only offers static residential IPs, but also offers static datacenter IPs, dynamic residential, and datacenter IPs. Use YiLu Proxy dynamic IPs(dynamic IP server address, port, username, and password) without running YiLuProxy client with the help of third-party software, such as anti fingerprint browser (such as Lalicat) in computers, or Shadwrocket APP in iPhone, iPad IOS devices, v2rayNG APP in Android devices. So if you select YiLuProxy, you can use it on multiple devices. Dynamic IPs Supports Country, state, city, and ZIP code targeting Paid by traffic Static IPs Unlimited traffic Unlimited bandwidth Unlimited requests New Users Trial Link: [Hidden Content] New Users Promotion Link: [Hidden Content] YiLu Proxy website: [Hidden Content]
  3. Perfect 911.re alternative: YiLuProxy a dedicated static IP only needs $5/30 days! Trial: [Hidden Content]
  4. Best 911s5 proxy alternative: YiLuProxy a sharing static IP only needs $0.1 for 24 hours. How to buy YiLuProxy sharing static IPs? Please view the following video:
  5. The video shows how to use YiLuProxy with Maskfog fingerprint browser to create multiple virtual browsers to manage multiple Facebook, Twitter, Google, Gmail, Youtube, and other platforms' accounts.
  6. The video shows how to use the 911.re alternative - YiLuProxy with ParseHub for web scraping.
  7. Do you want to create without being associated and banned? The video shows how to create and manage multiple Reddit accounts with YiLuProxy and Lalicat antidetect browser.
  8. If you create and operate dozens of Discord accounts with the same IP, Discord will ban it right away. YiLuProxy can help you achieve multiple account management by separate and independent proxies. The great large IP pool will erase your worry. For more detailes, please view [Hidden Content].
  9. The video shows the 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝟗𝟏𝟏 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐱𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 - 𝐘𝐢𝐋𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐱𝐲 use tutorial, which is a 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝟓 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐱𝐲 with a client version, and offers 𝟗𝟎𝐌+ dynamic rotating 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐬 and 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐬 IP addresses from 200+ countries.
  10. YiLuProxy is a Socks5 proxy server with a client, which offers 90M+ dynamic residential IPs and datacenter IPs from global 200+ countries, and you can also find some USA shared and dedicated static IP addresses in YiLu Proxy.
  11. [URL='https://www.yiluproxy.org/'][B]YiLu proxy[/B][/URL] is a Socks5 proxy server that provides 90+ million global dynamic residential IP proxies from 200+ countries, provided by international hosting retailers' proprietary stable IP addresses. YiLu proxy has the client software version, so it's so easy to use.
  12. YiLu Proxy is a Socks5 proxy server that provides 90+ million global dynamic residential IP proxies from 200+ countries, provided by international hosting retailers' proprietary stable IP addresses. YiLu proxy has the client software version, so it's so easy to use.
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