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Packt | Hands-On Incident Response Analysis


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Oct 21, 2018
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By: Sunil Gupta
Released: April 16, 2019
Caption (CC): Included
Torrent Contains: 70 Files, 1 Folders
Course Source: https://www.packtpub.com/in/networking-and-servers/hands-incident-response-analysis-video

Plan and execute effective incident response protocols for your organization

Video Details

ISBN 9781838552046
Course Length 1 hour 10 minutes

Table of Contents

• Discovering Incident Response
• Detecting and Preventing Attacks on the Host and Networks
• Building Defense for Services and Attacks on Applications
• Detecting and Handling Malicious Code
• Implementing Forensics for Incident Response
• Preventing Insider Threats: Detection and Handling


• Understand the fundamentals of incident response
• Learn how to set up security operations in your organization
• Learn forensics techniques with incident handling
• Detection of attacks on networks, websites, and applications
• Hands-on practical approaches to (and protocols for) incident handling


Cyber attacks take place every minute of the day around the world. Incident response is an organized approach to addressing and managing the aftermath of a security breach or attack. Responding to any incident rapidly will help your organization minimize losses, mitigate any vulnerabilities, restore services and processes as quickly as possible, and reduce the risk of being attacked in the future. Incident response strategies prepare an organization for the unknown. They comprise a dependable method for detecting a security instance instantly when it occurs, and addressing it effectively.

In this course, you will learn the core principles of hands-on incident response (IR). You will look at the major symptoms, defenses against them, and what to do when an incident happens, along with how to detect incidents in the first place. You will explore the actual workflow steps that every security professional should follow to ensure consistency in your incident identification and resolution approaches. Moving on, you will delve into some more common incidents that could affect your network by reviewing how to handle and respond to issues such as a DoS, a session hijack, or even malicious code. By taking this course, you will be able to differentiate between commodity and Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attack groups. You will explore how to review alerts, log files, and recognize common character encodings and carrier files.

By the end of this course, you will be ready to take on incident response strategies pre-emptively and confidently, and you'll be able to identify the various (and sometimes subtle) signs that may indicate you've had an incident or one's coming your way.


• Identify various types of attacks on networks, websites, and applications
• Prevent attacks and maintain security using best practice incident handling protocols
• Implement key incident handling tools to protect your technological assets.
