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Sorry I've been offline @BigDmand, I had to completely strip down my PC and rebuild it,I had 3 days without sleep while the damn kept having a fatal failure and shutdown every 10 min (no exaggeration )
Welcome to the "Middle Finger Thread" @markdoller00
Hidey-ho all ya who be Depraved ...or slightly mentalistic ...and @BigDmand UPDATE: There is no update....1337x chat is still not recognizing anyone...or anything...or any goddam password i fuggin try
Hey @MissKitti
well I had a look in their proxy sites, because they had a back up site for the 1337x chat which was <*> but has been sold to a media site, so I can only assume they've given up on both the forum and the instant chat (it could be they didn't make payment in charge, OR they could be rebuilding it) - because neither work, but still exist. <> I'm hoping to find out for sure from one of the staff @ 1337x
Hidey Ho BiggusOfD ...all proxies use for their chat...all traffic for chat is sent to the .to addy...which is still knackered
More disturbingly is that the staff from there are all hanging round in a certain other chat room...some even only recently joined so they must know summat...?...they haven't posted any update in the "1337x problem" thread over there either so i'm thinking this may be terminal ...and i don't use that place so i can't ask them either