Not sure where you got these from, but all have been renumbered from the
originals posted by Hank.
I'll give you a f'rinstance from your latest:
HSK240130-02 - Aaron Lewis - Let’s Go Fishing (Explicit)
was Hank's original, and this is what you've put up:
HSK2401-036 - Aaron Lewis - Let's Go Fishing
This the last that he made, yesterday:
HSK241127-02 - Supremes - There's No Stopping Us Now
Somebody has renumbered from the originals - not complaining 'cos Hank's
numbering system is absolute carp, but it does make comparing lists very
difficult to say the least.
It gets even more weird Lookingat the very early HMS2016 trax I have
HMS2016-01-03 - J Michael Harter - Playing with Fire
which is in your list as
HSK2102-113 - J. Michael Harter - Playing With Fire
For me, the best solution will be to convert ALL of my MOD, HM, HMK, HKS,
HS, HSH (sorry I forgot to mention those two) and KSK to
Artist - Title - (HSK) format so that dupes can be thrown out.
Then I'm going to join our sets together (for me alone) and carry on doing
that as his new stuff comes in.
His newest came in yesterday;
HSK241127-02 - Supremes - There's No Stopping Us Now
Do remember that Hank's is not the only karaoke that begins with HSK, I
have several thousand (unsorted) Hot Stuff Karaoke (Hot Stuff was a big
commercial producer of karaoke back in the day.
Henry (Hank that is <G> ) started off with the cat#'s MOD2016-## in Jan
of 2016 ~ I only have 3 of those, 1 2 & 4; then he changed the numbering
to HM2016-##, and I have 06, 10, 12-14, 20-31, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40 & 41.
The he changed to HMS2016-## starting (I think) from 44 goig up to 97,
with these missing ~ 54, 55, 66, 67, 76, 77, 88 & 89.
THEN !!!! He changed to HMS2016-##-## ~ the first was
HMS2016-01-01 - Moonshine Bandits - My Kind of Country w~vox
~ and I can't find a karaoke track for it, only the vocal
He carried on with those until
HSM2016-22-01 - Gerry Rafferty - It's Easy To Talk w~vox
And then he changed to HSK and its various numberings