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  1. FWIW - What I downloaded was a .zip file containing a Directory. That Directory contained both the "Morgan_Wallen_Smile(MP3+CDG_Karaoke)_10899540.zip" file as well as the "KV0000-0 - Breathe - How Can I Fall.zip - both of which seem to play fine with Winamp. BUT - there was no Cover Girls song in the Download.....
  2. I've edited my upload (as Hazz has already posted most for you). I have uploaded Hazz's FN folder (10 files) and one other Hazz Custom not included in his upload. (All credit AND THANKS to Hazz for his hard work) [Hidden Content] Majic
  3. Just uploading to Mega for you now Lee... might take a few more minutes at least... (if I've done it right) [Hidden Content] Majic
  4. Responded to the wrong post originally ... I too am interested in the link please
  5. Can I also get this link, please. Thank you I am constantly amazed and humbled by the generosity and kindness of those on this site. Thank you yet again. Majic
  6. Thanks - I did get those same files... I was hoping to fill in the corrupt and missing ones. (btw - I'm on here each morning early (EST) and when I went on this morning BJthe DJ's post was only (and still is, as of now) 19hrs old and it was the first time I saw it...) oh well. Thanks
  7. Not sure why, BUT - when I click on this link all it does is open another instance of the same page. If I try copying the link into JDownloader2, that doesn't work either. The link points back to page 633 as far as I can see. Anyone? Thanks
  8. I also use the 4kdownload program. You can get around the limited number of downloads by changing the system date on your PC (I'm using Windows). That change can cause problems with some other programs, so it's imperative you change it back when done downloading.
  9. I am also getting hidden content. Every post that has a link in it. Here's an example (but it's every post with a link) I haven't changed any of my settings so I'm not sure why it happened all of a sudden (and right when Dutch1 said he also got them). Can anyone help? Thanks
  10. It's not about my rank - but I have lost the ability to comment (Thanks, Like, Champion, etc.). I no longer have the icon in the bottom right of any posts in order to give thanks. I do have the indicator if another member has "thanked" or "liked" and it even tallies how many. I can click on it and get the pop-up list of who has done so - but there is no way for me to add my "comment" or Thanks. It was there after the migration to the new software - but it's gone now. I have cleared the cache and re-loaded the page several times with no luck. It's not stopping me from viewing or clicking on a link, but I am unable to show my appreciation. I have included a screen capture I just took of a complete post to show that the icon is missing, if that helps. Thanks Majic
  11. Hello Lee - Been gone for 2 weeks and missed a ton of stuff that's no longer there.. I'm hoping I might find some of it in your private folder. Any chance of getting the password? Thanks Majic
  12. Hello Lee - any chance of getting the password for your MEGA folder - [URL]https://mega.nz/#P!AgDaXhQZnptbuPQ0pfEKWpxf6ffNNDlUspCSh-Y0pyvXcpNJJgbh6z0jA_dZNPfRd1e1Gu4Cm7LqUPqCr6vC5WG-Kh3KFq5JakT4dmT4AOtdViSFKXLfAQ[/URL] Thanks
  13. Thanks for the response. I read the page you linked and checked on the site they provide ( [Hidden Content] ) . That wasn't the problem. I have to have another tab open with my MSDrive account signed in to access any links. Just signing in and closing the tab doesn't work for me. As long as I do that, the problem appears resolved. Thanks again
  14. Yes I do. Apparently if I don't have another tab where I'm signed in - it gives the error message. When I do have another tab and am signed in - it works. Thanks.....
  15. Not sure why - but I seem unable to d/l from MS OneDrive - keeps telling me "Something went wrong". Anybody else?
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