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drphunn last won the day on October 9 2024

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  1. DCK 977-980 and the BKD and Zoom please.
  2. Pretty sure it was a joke about the spam and a request for link descriptions rolled into one
  3. I use MP3Studio YouTube Downloader [Hidden Content] So far the crack has worked with all the updates.
  4. Mee..... I never even thought about Icroons.
  5. After a little digging, I found 2 references One says DT Karaoke is on Spotify, the other said something about being from Ameritz in 2014. Hope that helps. I had never heard of it either.
  6. How do you donate? The donate link doesn't have any info.
  7. Came across an small assortment of HM stuff. Various creators. Misc HM Tracks
  8. I would like the password please.
  9. Ok, let's see if I did this right....... An assortment of Karaoke Version tracks @320 [Hidden Content]
  10. Yes, it seems like there's the occasional bad zip file, and usually just grabbing it again works. MEGA can be moody some days
  11. I would like to get the password please. TIA
  12. I would like the password please TIA
  13. drphunn

    Hello all

    Hello all. New member here. Lurked about as a guest for a bit, and decided to join. Lots of great information around here. Trying to donate, but the donate link takes me to a page that says "No donation campaigns exist at the moment." Could someone direct me to the proper link? TIA
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