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  1. Thanks so much, I appreciate the kindness
  2. Sorry but I missed this .. Mr Entertainer Big Karaoke Hits of Chart Girls If possible would anybody mind uploading again
  3. I'm not really sure how many times I have to explain this to you, but I was trying to help him to get the complete download. Crikey that's a really high horse you have put yourself on, be careful not to fall off.
  4. I know he didn't, because you have to say thanks before you download from the said site, and he only had done that for Disc 2. Now do you have any other problems I can help you with
  5. I know you didn't buy, I know exactly where you got it from, and I was trying to help you in case you didn't see that it had been uploaded as separate discs, but if you are going to throw insults at people that are trying to help then maybe you should remember that you aren't supposed to upload VIP torrents from other sites
  6. Brilliant upload, thank you so much
  7. Well no actually you are completely wrong, I was trying to be helpful by letting him know that it is available for him at the site he got disc 2 from, but as normal you butt in and get completely the wrong idea
  8. Think you probably just missed it from where you got it from
  9. It worked perfectly, thank you so much
  10. My one drive now sorted and downloading, for some reason it had signed me out, so just had to log in again
  11. Yes it must be, when I look in the folder there is a text document telling me there is an error with one drive downloading files
  12. This is a strange one, when I download it only comes through as a text document
  13. I'm not sure if I have missed them or not, but have any Vocal Star been added on here, only the last one I have is for October 2023. Thank you for any help.
  14. Well that seems a bit of an over the top reply 1) You never stated that they weren't the full BKD, when Ninieblhz asked about them 2) I never said I had them, I said I looked on the BKD site 3) It is your choice what you post or do not post As I stated, I thank you for what was uploaded
  15. Not sure if it's me or not, but I have looked on the BKD site and can't get these tracks to correspond with the list of tracks for each month, I think there are some missing and some incorrect. But thank you anyway for what is there.
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