HAPPY NEW YEa......oh fuq i'm soooooo late
O.K....recap time....Been busy with a few emergency jobs over new year etc which meant being out of the house most of the time ...which means my time on-line was limited to encoding and uploading mostly...got a few more jobs lined up but the emergency ones are all done so i gotta bit more time now
Good to see you again @Hippy ...and i see your still busy as usual ...the windows update issue is caused by the new Patch Tuesday they released to fix issues with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol...the latest updates cause domain controller (DC) boot loop and also break Hyper-V. ...you can fix the issues by uninstalling the Patch but this leaves you vunerable ...Read more here >> Windows Patch Issues ...hope this helps mate
And before i forget again...Happy New Year @Tony da Ink , @Hippy , @BigDmand , @MissKitti and all Admin, Staff, Uploaders and Members
Have a good'un whatever your plans for the new year are...?...and hopefully Panda Mick will grab the woke mob and find a nice little corner to hide in while we all get back to normal again eh..? ...wouldn't that be nice