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B4ND1T69 last won the day on April 6 2022

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  1. Site Issues and Maintenance <<< site issues thread link for ya Maf
  2. I was on-site when it went down....was a 911 server nap that went on for ages, then the connection refusal started appearing on the staff picks and other images etc. first...thanks for the info Maf(y)...hopefully it'll work out soon enough.
  3. Yup...getting the same here all afternoon...even tho isitdownrightnow.com says it's still up and reachable...?....last downtime was 2 days ago according to them
  4. I don't use an .NFO file myself so you could try adding that as a seperate file in your upload as it could be the issue...? (make a folder and put your upload and NFO file into that then upload it) Also you only need the ttnumber for iMBD to work here (see below) https ://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089243/ << just add the ttnumber in green, not the full address(y) Try doing the above suggestions and see if it helps;) Good luck
  5. HAPPY NEW YEa......oh fuq i'm soooooo late O.K....recap time....Been busy with a few emergency jobs over new year etc which meant being out of the house most of the time ...which means my time on-line was limited to encoding and uploading mostly...got a few more jobs lined up but the emergency ones are all done so i gotta bit more time now Good to see you again @Hippy ...and i see your still busy as usual ...the windows update issue is caused by the new Patch Tuesday they released to fix issues with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol...the latest updates cause domain controller (DC) boot loop and also break Hyper-V. ...you can fix the issues by uninstalling the Patch but this leaves you vunerable ...Read more here >> Windows Patch Issues ...hope this helps mate And before i forget again...Happy New Year @Tony da Ink , @Hippy , @BigDmand , @MissKitti and all Admin, Staff, Uploaders and Members Have a good'un whatever your plans for the new year are...?...and hopefully Panda Mick will grab the woke mob and find a nice little corner to hide in while we all get back to normal again eh..? ...wouldn't that be nice :love:
  6. All the best to you too @Hippy ...have a good'un mate Thanks and Christmas wishes to all Glo Staff, Admins and Tech Team for all they do here keeping us safe and well stocked up with goodies for another year ...very much appreciated Guys'n'Gals Happy Christmas to all Glo Members, Users, Uploaders and Encoders ...Have a good'un folks
  7. Jeez....it never rains but it pours eh @Hippy ...an abscess is not nice at all...especially if you swallow the gunk ...get well soon mate Good evening all ....had Storm Arwen blow through here recently...did a few laps back round aswell ...so iv'e been fixin damage for a while ...iv'e done what i can for now but sometimes you need to call the Pro's out ...so i got a couple of Hookers coming round to keep me company now iv'e finished fixing everything Have fun peeps...Merry Christmas everyone....and remember... If you pretend to be a victim ...don't play the victim when you get caught out
  8. Good Afternoon all ...from a frosty, wintery cold Blighty ...got some more repairs to do after Storm Arwen blew through over the weekend ...and then i'm chillin for the rest of the day ....aaaaaaaand it looks like the repairs are on hold as it's started fuggin raining ...chillin all day it is then ...feel free to join in ...and as @Hippy would say "there's plenty of new uploads to keep you busy so thanks go out to the Uploaders and Staff for keeping us stocked up with new stuff" Stay safe whatever your doing peeps ... ...and remember...It's "Christmas" that makes Christmas, Christmas......Happy Christmas Everyone [Hidden Content]
  9. This could be uploader erroro_O;) Iv'e done it myself without double-checking before hitting upload lol Due to "movies" and "Mobile" being next to each other in the drop-down selection list....it's quite easy to select "MOVIE" for your upload...then you try to scroll down to fill out the description box with the arrows on a lap-top and it doesn't until you click on an empty space first... But instead it selects the next available option down on the still active selection list....which is "mobile"....this is prolly why you got a few movies in the mobile section as iv'e done it myself Hope this explains the mystery
  10. Yup....Storm Arwin blew through Blighty over the weekend...leaving the remaining half of my shed roof down the side of my neighbours shedo_O:eek: ...worse still was the pointing that came off from the side of the house right under the tiles at the top ...gonna have to go up the ladder with a bucket to re-seal that before it gets worse and causes more damage ffs ...and my front fence was in next doors garden, so that'll have to wait to go back up...add in a few fence panels that popped out and everything else in the garden thrown all over and you get the picture Anyhoo...damage can be fixed and everyone's o.k. so all good ...have a good'un folks... ...and remember......Spring is just one lockdown away
  11. Good evening fundoodles:love:
  12. Hidey Ho BiggusOfD ...all proxies use 1337x.to for their chat...all traffic for chat is sent to the .to addy...which is still knackered:cry: More disturbingly is that the staff from there are all hanging round in a certain other chat room...some even only recently joined so they must know summat...?...they haven't posted any update in the "1337x problem" thread over there either so i'm thinking this may be terminal:eek: ...and i don't use that place so i can't ask them either
  13. Wokism, Wokery, Woking Up...and all other Wokish ways:eek: ...being a constant victim or spending everyday looking to be offended ffs ...and running out of Rizla when the shops shut ....ooooooo i hate that
  14. Good evening peeps;) ...been a busy day here ...went to the dentist ...he said "work needed" so i'll be back there soon...and got my Booster Jab for the old Kung-Flu ...and doubled it up with my first ever regular English Flu Jab For the record...I am PRO CHOICE ...i'm all for those that need it or want it ...and those that don't ...it's a personal choice you should feel free to make Have a good'un folks ...whatever your getting upto ... ...and remember..."If Life deals you a crappy hand ...take up Bingo instead"
  15. Welcome to the "Middle Finger Thread" @markdoller00 Hidey-ho all ya who be Depraved ...or slightly mentalistic ...and @BigDmand UPDATE: There is no update....1337x chat is still not recognizing anyone...or anything...or any goddam password i fuggin try Hey @MissKitti
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