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DazzaSA2021 last won the day on November 3 2022

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  1. Hi All Does anyone have Linkin Park - Two Faced yet in karaoke cause I saw on my Karafun that it's available I would like to add that to my Linkin Park Collection of karaoke Thanks and keep up the great work Pss if anyone has another version of Downstait - Kingdom (Cody Rhodes Theme Song) please add that as well thanks
  2. Hi Guys it's been awhile and I haven't had the time to look around here due to a family member passing and dealing with the loss but I am back and I was going through my karaoke and saw that I have the karaoke video version of Cody Rhodes Theme song Kingdom by Downstait. I would like it in normal karaoke please if anybody can help me please.
  3. thanks so much I really appreciate it,especially in my time of difficulty
  4. Hi all,it's been awhile but I am still around,I would like to know if anyone has made or got any of the new Linkin Park songs The Emptiness Machine and Heavy Is The Crown in karaoke as I would like to add those to my Linkin Park collection.
  5. Hi there,Please leave this up until after the weekend as I am currently downloading it myself and my Mega has limited download limits
  6. I am busy going through this myself and you have quite the collection here,it's taking me quite sometime to get through it all
  7. Thanks very much Sacot,I have downloaded it
  8. Hi Guys,Haven't requested in quite awhile but saw this video on TikTok and one of the songs was from Grease 2 so I went through my collection of karaoke and I don't have any of the soundtrack from Grease 2 in karaoke format. I would really appreciate the help if someone can upload it here. Thanks Keep up the great work.
  9. Hi there,I was busy with the last part and it doesn't exist,I need that last part to complete the package or else it won't unpack the whole lot
  10. Thanks for the October update,I have downloaded it
  11. Thanks for this,I will download it as soon as I get a bit more data,using my mobile data at the moment but will have WiFi data when I get home tonight from work. Will let you know once downloaded.
  12. Well give the others that I mentioned a try and see if you like those,I actually use Deego a lot currently for my pictures my one drive is full as well I have gone through it but new stuff keeps getting auto added which I will have 2 sort out. Btw I have finished downloading the DCK that is on your Mega drive, anything from CC homemade karaoke for October yet, I got September's one.
  13. I will download this later,need to double check if I have downloaded it already. Will get back to you later.
  14. Hi sacot1 glad to see that you also using Mega as it's very useful and I have also found some other cloud storage apps like pCloud,Deego,Terabox,have a look at those for extra cloud storage space.
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