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bradajoker last won the day on August 25 2024

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About bradajoker

  • Birthday 07/27/1960

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  1. Hello, Coggerz, you can find this MM stuff in MEGA Folder made by leenew Karaoke ask him about PASSWORD, good luck
  2. Some DCK Cds for KaraokeGirl, Enjoy [Hidden Content]
  3. CDs for you, DCK960-966... enjoy [Hidden Content]
  4. YES, thanks BJ, I have some other Greek karaoke songs, but sometimes here on Cyprus you have to sing some GREEK singalong songs, hehe, when in hotels you have more then half Greek guests... and I don't have what they want
  5. Hello everybody, as some of you know I'm professional musician and work and live in Cyprus for last ten years. Just want to ask if somebody have any good GREEK karaoke song, old and new... thanks in advance
  6. MMGME - Music Maestro Gold Masters Edition, Please for me, thanks
  7. Hi, Lee, in my VELVET ELVIS collection there are 35 cds, 33 is MM6414, 34 is MM6415, 35 is MM6431... regards
  8. Hi, Derrick, here are some of MM cds you are missing, enjoy... [Hidden Content]
  9. Hi, Chris, here is CB10001-CB10060, sorry No vocal tracks... enjoy [Hidden Content]
  10. Here is EZP101-EZP134, FINISHED! Lot of CDs missing... Help to fill it, if you can, thanks (MISSED: 108, 109, 123, 126, 128, 131, 132, ) [Hidden Content]
  11. Here is EZP051-EZP100... Missed CDs (89, 90, 91, 92)... Please, UP if you have some of this, thanks... Tomorrow the rest of series [Hidden Content]
  12. Easy Pop Series for GreenPeace, you will find here: EZP001-050, first fifty CDs... the rest will be on these days, enjoy [Hidden Content]
  13. Hi, Lee, here is EZC001 - EZC138 Easy Classics, never check this one... hope everything is ok... 8.54GB, enjoy [Hidden Content]
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