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  1. It must have been declined so used another source
  2. It's an honour to be part of this wonderful group. I thank all of you and I'm happy to support it
  3. Just sent a donation there to, thank you so much for this amazing site
  4. Thank you so much for this share Daveydee :-)
  5. Thank you so so much Sacot1. I really appreciate it.
  6. Thanks marti61 for sharing this. It's so good to be in such awesome company who all love karaoke
  7. I know I'm being a bit cheeky. I hate for you to think I'm just a leech. Can't wait to share any of mine with you all. But could anyone be able to produce a new link for these please. I am getting hammered lately for Tina Turner and Shania twain songs as well as any sfmw songs 905 or 906. My hard drive corrupted a few weeks ago and without me backing it up it's been nearly impossible to get my original collection back. I hope anyone can help me please. I have bought a new drive to store all my saved songs on so it won't happen again. Thank you so much for any help you can give me.
  8. Thanks so much Chris F. Really appreciate it
  9. Thank you sacot1. You are a legend!
  10. Thank you so much IbizaBri I was missing loads. Can't thank you enough.
  11. Just like to say hi to every member on here. I hope I will be able to get the chance to thank each and all of you
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