Hi guys - long time listener, first time caller - which is to say : I've been in enforced lurk mode here for two years or so (from around page 60).
I just never could get the authentication email to send to me successfully - all sorted out now thanks to Mary Owens.
So yeah, I'm one of the leaches here, never able to post a thanks or even a like for some of the treasures shared. (I wonder if any others like me are stuck in the same limbo still?)
Anyway - I am a sharer and my torrent client still lists some stuff going back a few years, and shows occasional activity.
But here, for the first time, I'm sharing some of my own home grown tracks - a few I have come across other versions of since, but mostly obscure, Australian, comedic, Jonathan Coulton or Paul and Storm.
Enjoy. (hoping the link works ...)
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