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Posted (edited)

Here you can ask for anything If you're unable to fix anything whatever is it, Kindly ask here!

Our experienced members will help you for sure.



Edited by MissKitti
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Hi guys'n'gals 😘 ...how do i go back to/find a private conversation i'm having with someone...?

I can't find them again once i leave the page...and can't find the link/option to go back to them.


Click On Message button, the Drop-down messages window appears, Click > Show all < here you will get all the conversation you've joined or anyone sent you messages, your whole Inbox. (You can double-click on message button and go to inbox directly).


About the leaving Conversation: it depends on which option you're choosing while leaving.

1. Leave and get future notification

2. Leave and ignore future notification


In both ways, option one will send you a notification if the creator/sender send any new message on that conversation, if not then you can't get them back no matter you started that conversation but left it.

2nd option speaks itself, no backup as you have decided to quit permanently.


Good luck!

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Posted (edited)

Thanks @Prom3th3uS ....that helps with messages(y);)

Unfotunately it didn't solve my hunt....Apologies for the confusion...i'm still not quite sure whats PM's here or Chats, Conversations etc.

It was a private conversation with me, started by the other person, which i got an Alert for....The only way i could get to it was through the Alert system which let me know they started a private conversation with me....once i had answered and gone back off the page it was on, i cannot find a way to get back to it, or find it anywhere...?...and i cannot see old Alerts or find any way on my profile to get back to it..?

I'm not 100% sure but i don't think i hit "Don't recieve future notifications"...i don't remember seeing that to be honest...i more than likely just answered and hit backspace as usual to go back a page to my alerts:eek:o_O ...if this then defaults to no notifications then it's my own fault🤬☹️

Thanks for the help guys'n'gals🥰🤗

Edited by B4ND1T69
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  • Senior Administrator

Once you're logged in to the forums, scroll to the very top on the right corner.. you'll see an envelope that looks like this..

Envelope icon for messages or conversations

Bell icon for Alerts like notifications, reactions, likes and all that..




or you can follow this link

This is the hidden content, please

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Thanks @_.:=iTake=:._ ...but it still doesn't appear in the lists for either...?

It was a (Bell) Alert that this member was following me and had started a private conversation with me....so i clicked the link in the Alert section and that took me to the conversation...(old alerts disappear once seen and i cannot access them again once used usually)

I clicked the (Bell) Alert the next day and the link was still there so i could go back to the conversation...

But once the link disappeared from the Alert section i cannot find another way to go back to that conversation...?

Cannot find a way to send a PM either to let them know or start a new convo..?

Just a bit lost etc...still finding my feet here 😣

No worries....i'll figure summat out eventually...cheers peeps 😍😁

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1st of all....Issue is solved (y);) ...big shout out to @DJ BeatMaster Jazz for starting a new private conversation with me....which when opened, had the name of the other person i was having a private conversation with on the right along with @DJ BeatMaster Jazz 's name ... and when i clicked the other name i got back to the conversation i had lost🥳🤗 ...so it's all good again and thanks to all for the help 🥰😁 ...bookmarked the page for future use😎

Jobs a good'un 🤘

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Seem to have a new issue affecting a couple of members...

This link returns a "you must be logged in to do that" message when clicked on >>

This is the hidden content, please

There is also "Oops! We ran into some problems." messages at times...

Plus a "Cookies are required to use this site. You must accept them to continue using the site." message at times...

Trying to work through the issue in chat with the members with no success so far...

Is it a Bug...?

Thanks peeps (y)

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Where's the Coffee Machine...?:coffee:😘



Also....when using the site bbcode, it doesn't show up as you use it.....so i can't tell when it ends etc....so if i just want one section in bold or bigger letters i can't tell if it's all bold/bigger or just one section...?

I can see a REMOVE FORMATTING icon but i don't know if it removes the one i'm using or all...?



O.K.....getting the hang of your coding etc....tips still appreciated... 👠🦳🌈 << help yourself to a new shoe or wig if you leave a tip...or just take a quick slide down the rainbow for fun.

Ta very mucho peeps.


to see the BBCODE

while in this view ALL BBCODE must be done by manually typing it

- you may want to change view every now and then for easier BBCode use (buttons)

- and if you can't see the [ ] then click on the three dots next to the "preview" button

sorry for the late reply hun'

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so i recently moved home and isp from BT to Virgin, for a few days i could access the forum the home apge and still get my usual downloads etc. but now all of a sudden Virgin ar being complete douches and stopping me seeing the pages. does anyone have a decent free vpn i could use till i figure out how to make virgin see these pages. greatly appreciated in advance and much love
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  • Junior Administrator

virgin see these pages. greatly appreciated in advance and much love

You can use Free Extension ''BrowSec VPN'' and bypass any site and hide such actives of most!


Furthermore, use this tool ''

This is the hidden content, please
it does work like a charm, and you can control full connection to being hide by ISP.


Lastly, do check Giveaway section, I had posted some GA of premium VPN that gives free subscription for 3 or 6 months, if anything outdated I will update when new updates arrives, but you can simply stick to Psiphon, it's easy and no-logs friendly!


Good luck! (y)

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  • Junior Administrator

Send us a link to your profile on torrent side

Ignore that query, they act sweet but behind the scene they are meant to break rules.


He had his chance, first he agreed to follow rules and then started overlooking and give no damn, he tried promoting websites in title along description, uploads wasn't that worth it either.


And if he's reading this? Hey, you, yes you, this topic doesn't mean to ask such questions that do not belongs to the subject and in your case, I already finished answering it twice, so, stop bothering or else, I will let you stop instead [bAN] do not mislead and no need to shout, no more permission, stop pushing it here and there.

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Not a request for help...

But couldn't find the site problems thread...


The links to the "brands" don't work(for me).

If I click on them the page jumps back to the top.

This is the hidden content, please
<<< site issues thread link for ya Maf (y)

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  • Junior Administrator

Not a request for help...

But couldn't find the site problems thread...


The links to the "brands" don't work(for me).

If I click on them the page jumps back to the top.

Firstly, thank you so much for letting us know the major issue, yes, those link-text has no links behind, mistaken while doing such things by tech I suppose :D will be fixed ASAP.


And we have different keywords for the site problem topic

This is the hidden content, please
- if you see anything doesn't perform as should be or any bug/error, kindly, let us know on the Site Issues topic.


Once again, thanks a bunch my friend :) (y)

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