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  • Retired Staff

From BJ.

Yep agree about that, general old age for me, but my diabetes is causing me probs

right now - have a second eye welfare check next week because the normal one

couldn't see behind my cataracts which are not getting better.


i had my eyes done July as my diabetes left me unable to see my computer or the 50" TV or drive at all . For 1300 quid i had both lenses replaced and since bought a 75" TV and passed my driving test here in Thailand enabling me to see my computer screen, Watch TV, ride my bike and drive my truck again.

My friend who runs pubs in the UK has also had the surgery and has his eyesight back so i would recommend it to anyone suffering from this problem to go see about it.

  • Like 3

Yes all the time, it tends to happen with new stuff I buy not tracks from here as they have normally already been formatted. I always unzip any new tracks I purchase from KV and then KJ File Manager them as this has caught me out several times!!


I haven't though worked out why it does this as it doesn't usually happen with any other manufacturer, although it could be that the zip file number and the number in the zip are different, it's just my theory though.

Thank you so much... Next time I buy a Karaoke-Version track, i'll go ahead and unzip and save in new folder, then hit it with mp3 toolz to rezip and see if kj file manager is nice to it. I appreciate you.

  • Premium VIP

I was just looking through the ZOOM collection on the MEGA share as it seems to be the most popular manufacturer (for me at least).

My motto is, "If in doubt, use the Zoom version".....

I am a bit disappointed to see how much of it is 128KBPS.

Is there any appetite for trying to club together all known 192KBPS and 320KBPS albums and replacing the 128KBPS albums?

If so, what would be the best way to go about it?

I would do all the re-tagging and re-uploading etc.

As a starter, virtually all of the ZOOM PLATINUM ARTISTS is at 128KBPS....



MEGA finally allowed me to upload the ZOOM tracks. Not sure what is going on, but it was giving me an error until I downloaded the app, but here they are:


Zoom Pop Chart Picks ( ZPCP xxx ) :

This is the hidden content, please


Zoom Pop Chart Picks Year ( ZPCP20xx ) :

This is the hidden content, please

  • Like 3

MEGA finally allowed me to upload the ZOOM tracks. Not sure what is going on, but it was giving me an error until I downloaded the app, but here they are:


Zoom Pop Chart Picks ( ZPCP xxx ) :

This is the hidden content, please


Zoom Pop Chart Picks Year ( ZPCP20xx ) :

This is the hidden content, please

Thanks for uploading these.

Unfortunately they don't improve on any that I already have.

In fact some that I have are at higher bit rates than the ones you have, and I have a handful more albums, so if you are interested, get them from my share.... :)



  • Like 1

Does anyone have any of the following ZOOM albums at either 192K or 320KBPS bit-rates please?

All mine are 128K


ZOOM Karaoke legends 1-19

ZOOM Golden Years 1959-1987

ZOOM Jukebox 1-19

ZOOM Platinum artists 1-130 (All of them!)

ZOOM Pop box 1

ZOOM Pop box 2

ZOOM superhits 1,3,5,6,7,10

ZOOM Superhits 2019,2020

ZOOM Turbo Packs 1-10 and 21-50

ZOOM Vocal stars 1-21


I will obviously add them straight to the MEGA share..... :-)



  • Junior Administrator




Lee, It would most likely be a great help to the others here

(especially new visitors) if you left a link to your MEGA share

as part of your (at the moment non-existent) signature.


You can add/change your signature by going to the top of any

forum page and clicking on your username - you'll se a heap of

options; 7th down on the left is signature, or clicking on this link:


This is the hidden content, please

  • Like 1

Lee, It would most likely be a great help to the others here

(especially new visitors) if you left a link to your MEGA share

as part of your (at the moment non-existent) signature.


You can add/change your signature by going to the top of any

forum page and clicking on your username - you'll se a heap of

options; 7th down on the left is signature, or clicking on this link:


This is the hidden content, please

If someone could check that clicking my signature takes people to the correct place...




Posted (edited)

Here's Pop Box 1 & 2 to start @320

This is the hidden content, please

Thanks for these Steve.

I have checked them all and added them to the share.


*Just a note for people to be aware of*


If you are using Steve's files as-is, Pop Box 2 disc 6 is all messed up.

All the tracks are labelled in the wrong order.

I have corrected the track naming before adding them to the share...




Does anyone have any of the following ZOOM albums at either 192K or 320KBPS bit-rates please?

All mine are 128K


ZOOM Karaoke legends 1-19

ZOOM Golden Years 1959-1987

ZOOM Jukebox 1-19

ZOOM Platinum artists 1-130 (All of them!)

ZOOM Pop Box 2016

ZOOM superhits 1,3,5,6,7,10

ZOOM Superhits 2019,2020

ZOOM Turbo Packs 1-10 and 21-50

ZOOM Vocal stars 1-21



Edited by leenew Karaoke

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