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  1. The FBK260 link doesn't work
  2. Anyone have any karaoke tracks for Nelle Tiger Travis, especially Mr Sexy Man?? I've searched my resources and couldn't find anything. Thanks!
  3. Find your Brooks and Dunn track here....repost from an earlier Top Hits post. [Hidden Content]
  4. Donation sent. Many thanks to ALL!
  5. I would like an invite as well. Thanks
  6. I've seen posts regarding Full Moon Karaoke and I've seen at a local pub being played. Does anyone have any Full Moon Karaoke tracks?? If so, can they be posted??
  7. [HEADING=2]Does anyone have this on karaoke? Loretta Lynn Saint To A Sinner[/HEADING]
  8. Any NEW Dreamcatcher or Funbox karaoke? Not sure if I missed them. Thanks
  9. Did I miss any new Dreamcatcher or Funbox? I only have thru DCK724 and FBK225, If I missed could someone repost?
  10. As far as I can find, ZOOM didn't produce this song on a disc. I have it by other Manufacturers, let me know if you want them.
  11. Here's the VH files I have...104,105,108-184 VH KARAOKE Hope this helps others to get caught up on VH collection.
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