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Basically a week now, its this the longest its ever been down I wonder ....

[ My bot logs show it went down in a 6 hour window a week ago, we are about an hour into that window ]


I totally agree battlestar. I think this is the longest it has been down, since I have been a member.

Even the staff are kept in the dark, and I know they are as frustrated as we are.

I'm loosing hope of its return at this point. I do hope I'm wrong.

I think it's being judged by a jury of it's peers to see if it can come back online again.


If I hear, or read anything I will post here.

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Pity, I had considered being a little more active after learning the old leadership left.

I had actually logged into it for the first time in about 18 months, just a few days before it died. 😐


Ah well. Still uploading here, 1337 and TPB.

A far cry from 4.5 years ago, when we covered 9 sites.

Demonoid, ETTV, Prostylex, Angie & Kickass all gone now, and TGX may be joining the list. 🙁

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Posted (edited)

Indeed, I couldn't agree to it more what exactly battlestar had just said 🤷‍♂️


I was research to at least find rumor's post anywhere on the internet to keep a hope, but honestly, it really don't feel good, as far my experience, it's been more than 10 days, any group who wants to stay they would not take that longer to fix the thing such as host, server, or any manner bug or say glitch, 10 days are enough to recover the entire website, in case it was hacked? Or supposed to be rebuilt? 10 days are enough I believe, though, there might be 2 reasons if they don't get back, 1, they don't want to keep it or invest on something that doesn't fulfil their need (which obvious), 2, there is no 2 because it's 2025, nothing hard to get anything back to work, no matter you need a coder, developer, new server, host, domain or even a hacker, so, as far I concerned, reason 1 is obvious, if that's not the cause, then they are out of BUDGET, every task starts and ends here (these are thoughts, I wish they prove me wrong 100%) If I see past, it's similar to every last stand good P2P sources that we had lost recently, Pirateiro, ettv, prostylex, dnoid, same issue budget issue, in fact, KAT/ET had different cause.


Anyway, Torrentgalaxy is must need for most of the pirates around the globe, I wish it come back otherwise it shall be uncompleted story for all of us which left no such sense > why they left just like that! > why, many questions remain unsolved! 😷

Edited by Prom3th3uS
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On 3/11/2025 at 6:52 AM, Prom3th3uS said:

it shall be uncompleted story for all of us which left no such sense > why they left just like that! > why, many questions remain unsolved! 😷

It's really simple, long story short, when the money stops, mulva stops, I said long story short as it's not my responsibility or desire to rattle the whole thing off for the sake of others, it's time for Mafakatel to come clean, be open and transparent and publicise, give people the deep truth, that will enable people to release themselves from their denial and lessen the emotional effect and suffering, therefore less difficult to move on to  alternatives, it's not like it's an end of the world as we know it extinction level event.


This reminds me of a sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus, John Cleese's character bought a seemingly live parrot, turns out it was a dead parrot nailed to a perch sold as a live parrot, took it back to the pet store, they insisted it was alive when purchased when obviously it was a dead parrot nailed to the perch to appear as a live one, PEOPLE, spare yourself from suffering and foolishness, don't be that person with a dead parrot nailed to a perch.   

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On 3/12/2025 at 5:15 AM, TEZ said:

It's really simple, long story short, when the money stops, mulva stops, I said long story short as it's not my responsibility or desire to rattle the whole thing off for the sake of others, it's time for Mafakatel to come clean, be open and transparent and publicise, give people the deep truth, that will enable people to release themselves from their denial and lessen the emotional effect and suffering, therefore less difficult to move on to  alternatives, it's not like it's an end of the world as we know it extinction level event.



I know that you both have a history together but this isnt the place and time to throw that in the open... But that's my personal opinion and there's no need to vent your personal grievens you feel towards Mulva on me. 

I started there because I believed in what TGx stood for and that it was possible to become one of the greatest around... And we did just that... No matter who was behind it.. 

And we all know that to all good things come to an end.. 

You know that as well from ET... 


I've been open, honest, transparent and been telling the deep truth... 

And I'll do it again.... 



But I'd wish I did.. 


All TGx staff will tell you the same... 

The new owners left everyone in the dark and there was even less communication from the top down then before it was sold (Battlestar can confirm that as well). 

I'm also not saying that people should hang around and wait to see if it comes back... If it does it's a big win and if it doesn't it's a big loss for the piracy community... 

The same it was when KAT, ET, ETTV, ProStyleX, Angie, etc went down. 



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6 hours ago, Mafketel said:

I know that you both have a history together but this isnt the place and time to throw that in the open... But that's my personal opinion and there's no need to vent your personal grievens you feel towards Mulva on me. 

I started there because I believed in what TGx stood for and that it was possible to become one of the greatest around... And we did just that... No matter who was behind it.. 

And we all know that to all good things come to an end.. 

You know that as well from ET... 


I've been open, honest, transparent and been telling the deep truth... 

And I'll do it again.... 



But I'd wish I did.. 


All TGx staff will tell you the same... 

The new owners left everyone in the dark and there was even less communication from the top down then before it was sold (Battlestar can confirm that as well). 

I'm also not saying that people should hang around and wait to see if it comes back... If it does it's a big win and if it doesn't it's a big loss for the piracy community... 

The same it was when KAT, ET, ETTV, ProStyleX, Angie, etc went down. 

Going by all that it's apparent that you don't know shit,  "I know that you both have a history together", what the hell? That is so far off the truth, why even say something like that, totally uninformed, I've never endeared that one and even less so involvement, but think what you like, if you believe what TGX stood for you're just another one absorbed into mulva's realm, this isn't a good thing coming to an end as with extratorrent, a place where you have f all history, this was something that was a wannabe extratorrent, but actually absolutely nothing  good compared to extratorrent in any way whatsoever .


Now, you and dumbclaw are the original founders of tgx, out of desperation you turned to mulva who took you for profit running the torrent site and doing the site code (you know what happened there first hand, you're both just victims as with mazemaze16 aka aka aka) , not the first ones and probably not the last, I'm not going off on tangents being distracted by things past that you've mentioned (mulva has REALLY rubbed off on you), those things have nothing to do with this, totally different scenarios, people aren't stupid, you can't just palm things off on the  "new owners", grow a set, tell the deep truth,  allow people to come to terms with it so they can move on with better well being, leave the tgx farce behind, but apparently that's just not gonna happen, now i'm not jumping on a seesaw back and forth with you, kids play on seesaws, i'm not going  back and forth (I hope you get that), dead end blah blah, just do the right thing, grow a set and be 110% honest, clear and open and publicise the the deep truth, then people will be free of it and able to move on to alternatives smoothly without residuals, duh. 

If you can't find the courage to do that then you're just another entity crawled under the same rock as mulva, like I said seesaws are for kids, i'm not going on and on and on back and forth with the same resolve just with different terminology that has the same meaning, be a coward or be brave for the sake of others. 


I'm not the only one who knows all that, just the one speaking up, but that could change, wake up!


Oh, I see you didn't quote the part of  my post, Monty Python's Flying Circus metaphor, it's a gem, but you omitted that, you have  no responsive sense of humour, seriously, what a joke, move on. 

6 hours ago, Mafketel said:



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