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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2025 in all areas

  1. Hello Friends! I'm not quite as meticulous as most of the other posters i here, but since SBI is on its way out, I thought I would share the collection i have purchased over the past 2 decades. Its about 2900 files. As i acquired these, I renamed them with the Disc ID of SBI, then the artist (last name, first name) then the song title. I realize this might be inconvenient for some of you, but i decided to share anyways. Please enjoy my collection. Cheers! [Hidden Content]
    36 points
  2. [Hidden Content] PK0000-301 - Rebecca Lynn Howard - Out Here in The Water PK0000-302 - Billy Squier - She's Goes Down
    17 points
  3. [Hidden Content] PK0000-303 - J. Englishman - More so rickane the song not like kissing you i can't find lyric anywhere i just don't have time to type the whole song out if you have the time to do that and send the text file to me i have the track ready i a still have 43 song to make for people so if can send me the lyric ill finish it for you
    15 points
  4. March updated catalogs for KVD, SBI, Abraxa, Aardon Aardvark, and MPME [Hidden Content] These are from the official websites
    4 points
    3 points
  6. Okay, a few more songs that I would love to add, if you absolute rockstars are looking for ways to occupy your time. Book Of Life - I love You Too Much Bryan Ferry - Is Your Love Strong Enough (Legend) Rio 2 - I Will Survive The last one is a duet. If it's possible to create both a duet version and a version that keeps the recorded female vocals in place, that would be amazing.
    3 points
  7. Hi Julio, are those catalogs from your collection or from the official websites?
    3 points
  8. It's really simple, long story short, when the money stops, mulva stops, I said long story short as it's not my responsibility or desire to rattle the whole thing off for the sake of others, it's time for Mafakatel to come clean, be open and transparent and publicise, give people the deep truth, that will enable people to release themselves from their denial and lessen the emotional effect and suffering, therefore less difficult to move on to alternatives, it's not like it's an end of the world as we know it extinction level event. This reminds me of a sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus, John Cleese's character bought a seemingly live parrot, turns out it was a dead parrot nailed to a perch sold as a live parrot, took it back to the pet store, they insisted it was alive when purchased when obviously it was a dead parrot nailed to the perch to appear as a live one, PEOPLE, spare yourself from suffering and foolishness, don't be that person with a dead parrot nailed to a perch.
    2 points
  9. Indeed, I couldn't agree to it more what exactly battlestar had just said I was research to at least find rumor's post anywhere on the internet to keep a hope, but honestly, it really don't feel good, as far my experience, it's been more than 10 days, any group who wants to stay they would not take that longer to fix the thing such as host, server, or any manner bug or say glitch, 10 days are enough to recover the entire website, in case it was hacked? Or supposed to be rebuilt? 10 days are enough I believe, though, there might be 2 reasons if they don't get back, 1, they don't want to keep it or invest on something that doesn't fulfil their need (which obvious), 2, there is no 2 because it's 2025, nothing hard to get anything back to work, no matter you need a coder, developer, new server, host, domain or even a hacker, so, as far I concerned, reason 1 is obvious, if that's not the cause, then they are out of BUDGET, every task starts and ends here (these are thoughts, I wish they prove me wrong 100%) If I see past, it's similar to every last stand good P2P sources that we had lost recently, Pirateiro, ettv, prostylex, dnoid, same issue budget issue, in fact, KAT/ET had different cause. Anyway, Torrentgalaxy is must need for most of the pirates around the globe, I wish it come back otherwise it shall be uncompleted story for all of us which left no such sense > why they left just like that! > why, many questions remain unsolved!
    2 points
  10. [Hidden Content] PK0000-300 - Corey Hart - Boy In The Box
    2 points
  11. Here you go. Hope this helps [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  12. Is it really too much to ask of you to go to our main site at GLODLS.TO and seach for MP3 NEW RELEASES 2025 WEEK 09 ???
    1 point
  13. We've always had it in the weekly MP3 NEW RELEASES, you can just grab it from there weekly... no need to download every folder...
    1 point
  14. RIP Scotty, and thank you for all the years on all the forums and torrent sites. So, many years ago I remember reading that music comes round in 7 year cycles in the UK, this is how I have read it over the last 20 odd years or so, what do others think? And what do you think is next? 1955 - 1962 The birth of rock n roll 1962 - 1969 The Beatles and the merseybeat 1969 - 1975 Glam rock. 1975 - 1982 Punk 1982 - 1989 New wave. 1989 - 1996 Rise of the boy bands 1996 - 2003 Girl power 2003 - 2010 Rise of the girl bands 2010 - 2017 Trance and club 2017 - 2024 Black power 2024 - 3031 ???
    1 point
  15. [Hidden Content] PK0000-299 - Book Of Love - I Love You To Much
    1 point
  16. [Hidden Content] PK0000- 296 Boston I Need Your Love PK0000- 297 Bryan Ferry Is Your Love Strong Enough PK0000- 298 April Wine Love Won't Remember Me
    1 point
  17. [Hidden Content] PK0000-294- Sugar Jones - Days Like That PK0000-295- Kim Stockwood - 12 Years Old enjoy
    1 point
  18. Download it here [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  19. Hi, somehow I missed DCK986-DCK991 Anybody can Help? Thanks
    1 point
  20. I have no clue why the folder is empty, so here is a fresh link. In the future I'll try using Mega DCK992-995 Thanks BJ
    1 point
  21. They downloaded OK for me earlier today, but seeing a messsage that they had gone, I checked and the site was empty. I would say that you left your permissions open and that they have been deleted ~~ or that a downloader accidentally MOVED them rather than Copied them. I've put them on my GoogleDrive for anybody that has missed them. DCK992-DCK995
    1 point
  22. March updated catalogs for KVD, SBI, Abraxa, Aardon Aardvark, and MPME [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  23. DCK992-995 Labels Homemade Special Memorial DCK Labels 992-995 For Our Friend @sacot1
    1 point
  24. Well, I always had Scot Post these for me. Guess now I will have to learn to do it myself. Miss you in so many ways mate. You still are the best in my book DCK992-995
    1 point
  25. [Hidden Content] Here Are 71 - KV I Pick Up Today Enjoy and with bj the dj kv hope this give you lots of new songs
    1 point
  26. Bad Gateway .. not really gone.. it could be server failures.. mostly a configuration error
    1 point
  27. Hi Sacot1 DCK987-08 contains a .bin file can you please post the mp3, cdg files many thanks
    1 point
  28. Down again... Both server and domain on to and mx. On rs only the server...
    1 point
  29. Lady Gaga - Abracadabra (Karaoke) Mr. Entertainer Karaoke Mp4 [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  30. Hello, everyone! Here is a library of songs that I have purchased from KV over the years. Lady Gaga's latest song, Abracadabra, is included. Enjoy! [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  31. Vsys.host is a hosting service and it is probably used as a proxy.. [Hidden Content] Only time will tell if it comes back... TGx had a ad and it seemed to work because before the takeover the donation link was closed. Which implied that there wasn't a shortage of income.. After the takeover it disappeared. Even tho they did get multiple offers for ads on the site they didn't took up the offer(s). And with the donations they got just over 2k.. Don't think that it covers the costs they made so far.. So I hope it's not a case of... Take the money and run...
    1 point
  32. I wish that was true... Then it wouldn't have happened at all. They tried to change things but ended up breaking it... They never heard about the saying... Why fix it if it isn't broken... There used to be ads but they stopped that.. As for Ukraine.. Don't know about that... All is kept seperate.. Me and the others handled the frontdesk so to say
    1 point
  33. With reaction they mean a like (see the hart icon)..
    1 point
  34. Tbh it was the worst thing that the old owner could've done... The way it looks atm the new owners have no experience in running a site... So sad....
    1 point
  35. I wish it get back to work asap, as I guess it's more than 2 days now, I'm sure new owners (techs) working on it, looking forward for faster fix. By the way, Maf, if you folks need any hands on something, please do let me know, will love to share possible solution if anything supposed to be fixed or changed, Inbox me anytime Cheers FOR NEWBIES: Anyone curious to know whether a site is working or down without visiting or making sure, simply use this: Web Tool (You can check any site's Up/Down status)
    1 point
  36. Torrentgalaxy.to is still down.. And so is .mx and tor as well. I'm checking it every hour. So tell me how you get on there... Be careful for any fakes.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Download it here [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  39. Download it here [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  40. Download it here [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  41. Download it here [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  42. Download it here [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  43. Download it here [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  44. Download it here [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  45. Download it here [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  46. Download it here [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  47. Download it here [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  48. Enjoy this new issue from MasterMix [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  49. [HEADING=2]DJ Promo.. New Funky House #221 (December 2020)[/HEADING] [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  50. 1. Site information What is this bittorrent all about anyway? How do I get the files? Check out Brian's BitTorrent FAQ and Guide 2. User information I registered an account but did not receive the confirmation e-mail! You can use this form to delete the account so you can re-register. Note though that if you didn't receive the email the first time it will probably not succeed the second time either so you should really try another email address. Why is my port number reported as "---"? (And why should I care?) The tracker has determined that you are firewalled or NATed and cannot accept incoming connections. This means that other peers in the swarm will be unable to connect to you, only you to them. Even worse, if two peers are both in this state they will not be able to connect at all. This has obviously a detrimental effect on the overall speed. The way to solve the problem involves opening the ports used for incoming connections (the same range you defined in your client) on the firewall and/or configuring your NAT server to use a basic form of NAT for that range instead of NAPT (the actual process differs widely between different router models. Check your router documentation and/or support forum. You will also find lots of information on the subject at PortForward). I've lost my user name or password! Can you send it to me? Please use this form to have the login details mailed back to you. Can you delete my account? You cannot delete your own account, please ask a member of staff So, what's MY ratio? Click on your profile, then on your user name (at the top). It's important to distinguish between your overall ratio and the individual ratio on each torrent you may be seeding or leeching. The overall ratio takes into account the total uploaded and downloaded from your account since you joined the site. The individual ratio takes into account those values for each torrent. You may see two symbols instead of a number: "Inf.", which is just an abbreviation for Infinity, and means that you have downloaded 0 bytes while uploading a non-zero amount (ul/dl becomes infinity); "---", which should be read as "non-available", and shows up when you have both downloaded and uploaded 0 bytes (ul/dl = 0/0 which is an indeterminate amount). Why is my IP displayed on my details page? Only you and the site moderators can view your IP address and email. Regular users do not see that information. Help! I cannot login!? This problem sometimes occurs with MSIE. Close all Internet Explorer windows and open Internet Options in the control panel. Click the Delete Cookies button. You should now be able to login. My IP address is dynamic. How do I stay logged in? You do not have to anymore. All you have to do is make sure you are logged in with your actual IP when starting a torrent session. After that, even if the IP changes mid-session, the seeding or leeching will continue and the statistics will update without any problem.
    1 point
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