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battlestar last won the day on July 17 2020

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  1. Pity, I had considered being a little more active after learning the old leadership left. I had actually logged into it for the first time in about 18 months, just a few days before it died. Ah well. Still uploading here, 1337 and TPB. A far cry from 4.5 years ago, when we covered 9 sites. Demonoid, ETTV, Prostylex, Angie & Kickass all gone now, and TGX may be joining the list.
  2. Well things are not looking good. By my calculations its been at least 10 days now. Does anyone know anything ? Only Mafketel seems to visit here.
  3. It wasnt, no matter how many times I refreshed it. Seems ok now.
  4. Someone mentioned its back today, so I checked, and that seems to be the case.
  5. Yep, pretty much sums it up. Confused users (again), Moderators in the dark (again). Those in charge dont exactly give a great impression of caring about either (users or staff). The last time they just carried on as if nothing had happened, despite being off for about 2+ days. Even more odd, on the forums, which are active, no one seemed to ask why (or all such questions were just deleted). If, as you say, it went down Saturday PM, then its over 4 days now. I've had to disable my packs upload bot as it kept complaining about the upload failures. Not an issue for my comrade Saturn5, who noted "serves them right". Longish story but his uploads had already been paused a few days earlier. Basically due to their lack of action over certain idiots [comments & actions]. I suppose on the plus side, you may get a few more visitors here.
  6. Down again apparently as of sometime in the last day or two. I cant really be more specific as I dont visit that often anymore. This time just an image (of X23, from the film Logan) - nothing actual useful. Apparently its too hard to put a simple explanation or message, instead of nonsense.
  7. Looks like this has gone offline unexpectedly. I stopped visiting last year, their incredibly dumb "fence" drove me away. However, I left my Packs bot uploading, but I noticed it fail today with 404 errors. Thats a strange error to get from uploads, failures are usually timeouts or 5xx series errors. On checking the site, it seems to have just gone, with a message "TGX is offline. Updates will be posted in case of any changes." A rather ominous sounding message really, the tone and wording almost suggests they may not return anytime soon, or even at all.
  8. How do I actually do this ? If I edit it settings, and save, it says ok, but when I go back, its unchanged. It also mentions some confirmation, but I never get anything, at least not to my new address. Unless its sending it to the old address, which is pointless, the whole point is i no longer have the old address, hence changing it. [ Yes, I realise its a minor issue, and I could probably continue logging in without it ever being correct, but I wanted to fix it anyway ]
  9. I reported one 5 days ago, another one today. The one from 5 days ago is still there, does anyone deal with comment reports ? (Both by Wamepiple)
  10. The API here is no longer working. It seems [Hidden Content] now returns a 404 error. No API = no uploads Please fix this.
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