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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2025 in all areas

  1. Music Maestro MM6200 Complete [Hidden Content]
    18 points
  2. Music Maestro MM6300 Complete [Hidden Content] Music Maestro MM6400 34 Folders [Hidden Content]
    17 points
  3. [Hidden Content] here is one of the p cooper requested song sam fender spit of you enjoy [Hidden Content] here is another song request lisa carter doctors orders enjoy
    16 points
  4. Hazz 09-03 Pure Love - Rod Stewart [Hidden Content]
    15 points
  5. [Hidden Content] here is another song for p cooper icing on the cake enjoy [Hidden Content] Here is the last requested song on p cooper list decline and fall enjoy
    13 points
  6. KVD-81647 - Billie Eilish - L'amour De Ma Vie (The Love Of My Life) [Hidden Content]
    10 points
  7. Here are 2 from Buy Karaoke Downloads ( BKD xxxxx ) : [Hidden Content] Enjoy!!!!
    9 points
  8. Music Maestro MM6100 101 Folders [Hidden Content]
    8 points
  9. 6 points
  10. Some DCK Cds for KaraokeGirl, Enjoy [Hidden Content]
    5 points
  11. Music Maestro Part 4 [Hidden Content] MMRB-1&2 - Music Maestro R&B Pack 10 discs MMRP01 - Music Maestro Rock (5 discs) MMS - Music Maestro Sinatra (5 discs) MMVE - Music Maestro Velvet Elvis 32 Discs
    4 points
  12. [Hidden Content] here is a request for billy 1 moma lisa enjoy [Hidden Content] wild wild horses for billy 1 enjoy
    3 points
  13. could you please put a text discription of the link above the actual link so we all know what we are thanking the post for.. otherwise we could be clicking like and you may have posted some gary glitter songs & we inadvertently have supported a nonce. Hazz 09-02 Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet [Hidden Content]
    3 points
  14. Thanks. I think I fixed it. [Hidden Content] You did Sir
    3 points
  15. Music Maestro Part 3 MM6000 complete (Zipped) MMHH - Music Maestro Hot Young Hits 10 discs MMHMC - Music Maestro HomeParty M Country 10 discs MMHMP - Music Maestro HomeParty M Pop 10 discs MMHP506 - Today's Female R&B (Clean 320) MMOLD-1&2 - Music Maestro Oldies Pack 10 discs MMPK02 - Music Maestro Club Pack 2002 (13 cd) MMPK04 - Music Maestro Club Pack 2004 (14 cd) Here [Hidden Content]
    3 points
  16. Karaoke cd+g creator pro + serial [Hidden Content] To enter serial goto help>unlock Remember to block application in your firewall or disconnect from interwebz when entering serial The more people creating HM Karaoke the better. Please share your creations with the community
    3 points
  17. Latest from Wayne's World Karaoke: [Hidden Content]
    3 points
  18. Hi ADNA, i have these if any good [Hidden Content]
    3 points
  19. Send a request by PM to iTake by clicking on [Staff] at the top of the page.
    2 points
  20. Hazz 09-01 Stand By Me - Def Leppard [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  21. Various Music Maestro Labels
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. These are the rest of Hank's SFX HM that he has issued this year, including vocal tracks (VOX) ; names are in the correct 1st name 2nd name order, and where there are backing vocals (BGV) they are indicated. Hanks SFX HM Karaoke, 2025 to date.
    2 points
  24. Here's a few recent HSK releases [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  25. I know the feeling ... have it for free then Karaoke Builder Studio (FULL) [Hidden Content] install kbstudio.exe then kbsreg.exe
    2 points
  26. Here goes the link It includes 2RK0010-04 -- 2RK0010-06 BBHMG032 -- BBHMG033 BKD-19076 -- BKD-90020 DCK967 -- DCK980 SF-1119677 -- SF-1119689 ZOOM-00202 -- ZOOM-11607 [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  27. CC Karaoke February 25 Update [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  28. Here is DreamCatcher Karaoke ( DCK xxx ) DCK972-DCK976 : [Hidden Content] Enjoy!!!!
    2 points
  29. FBK261 [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  30. New DCK's x 5 DCK972-DCK976 by Code and artist
    2 points
  31. You don't need to put a text description for any links that you post, it just lets the non-participants know what their clicking on. 1. Paste the link into your messge as usual. 2. Select the URL that you have just pasted, by pressing CTRL and dragging the cursor from one end of the URL to the other. 3. Click on the [Chain] icon abpve, fifth from the left (hover the cursot ovber it and the work [Link] will appear. 4. A large box labelled LINK will appear. 5. The top line will be filled in with the URL that you are sharing with us. 6. The 2nd line will be blank, fill that in with whatever description that you want. 7. Click the [Insert into post] box when you're finished. Once you've done that you can select what you've produced and change the size by clicking on the Size icon at the top, and the colour by clicking A at the top.
    1 point
  32. Or use Winrar [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  33. I searched for it for years but never found it. So I bought it and I don't regret it. [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  34. CDs for you, DCK960-966... enjoy [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  35. 2 other titles by Marianne Faithfull [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  36. Starting to upload Music Maestro's Now. If anyone has not finnished with the CBEP - Chartbuster Essential Plus 451-507(Zipped Let Me Know Please as i will have to delete them at some point to make room for the Music Maestro's First 5GB [Hidden Content] MM TOP - Music Maestro MMBH1 - Music Maestro Broadway To Hollywood MMBK - Music Maestro Big Karaoke Club MMCH - Music Maestro Classic Hits MMCHPK - Music Maestro Country Hits Pack 1 (9cd) MMGME - Music Maestro Gold Masters Edition
    1 point
  37. @_.:=iTake=:._, this is a bit embarrassing, but I must admit that I have not gotten a chance to read over the rules myself. Upon doing so to try educate myself, I am a bit confused about where this rule is stated. Is it "Avoid overusing special symbols or caps lock in thread names.", or am I looking at the wrong place entirely? Thanks @mee7532! I, too, am someone who would want that full collection, LOL. I think many of us prefer to collect by manufacturer, as you clearly do. So when people like myself mention foreign karaoke, we tend to mean by category of manufacturer rather than strictly by track - so your sharing was spot on!
    1 point
  38. I have a few Latin tracks. This share has over 14 GB, but just letting you know, not all are Latin. There are some English and other languages included. I just added them to MEGA, and I didn't want to take the full amount of time to weed out the non-Latin. I just figured someone may want the full collections. Anyway, here is the link: [Hidden Content] Enjoy!!!!
    1 point
  39. Please can you avoid all CAPS.. it's against the site rules... Ahh I see, not an expert in this, anyway that;s good to know..
    1 point
  40. I had a similar issue. For me I managed to download the files one by one as a result of opening the link in an Incognito tab. Strangely, using the link directly did not work - not sure if it had to do with being signed in to my MS account or if it was due to some browser cache or cookies that caused the error. For those who are not in the mood to open an incognito tab, I have put the files on Mega: [Hidden Content] - ADNA
    1 point
  41. Hi all, I have just been going through my Karaokanta discs (Spanish company) as over the last few years, I have felt that I have neglected my non-English collection. I thought I would share what I have below (approx. 38 GB) [Hidden Content] If anyone has any that I do not have, please share - as I think the full Karaokanta collection should occupy closer to 50 GB. Also, if anyone has DCO discs or VFL (Viva Fiesta Latina), I would be interested in those. Many thanks to @sacot1 who has helped me lately with fills for my foreign collection. - ADNA
    1 point
  42. Hazz, should this be Zazz 08-18? I have #17 as Samuel Saint- Pray The Gay Away.
    1 point
  43. Gamesmen Karaoke Labels Canadian Karaoke
    1 point
  44. HSK (Hot Stuff Karaoke Disk Labels)
    1 point
  45. onedrive DCK961-DCK964 by Code and artist DCK965-DCK968 by Code and artist DCK972-DCK976 by Code and artist Mega DCK969-DCK971 by Code and artist [Hidden Content] Would you be considering sharing them now they are gone?
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Hi Sacot1 Many Thanks as always DCK973-01 is named as 972-01 inside of zip DCK973-05 also has DCK973-04 inside of zip DCK976-06 is missing space between -and song title Many Thanks once again for all your hard work And Thanks for letting me know-all fixed now
    1 point
  48. [Hidden Content] here are some new song i made for jan some you might have some of these as i made some of these for people who requested some enjoy
    1 point
  49. 1 point
  50. Download it here [Hidden Content]
    1 point
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